Bilingualism in terms of culture and language



  • İrfan Tosuncuoğlu


bilingualism; language proficiency; language learning; method; culture


Because of globalization and technological developments, the people in different countries and cultures communicate with each other more than before. Language has been the most effective means of communication between individuals since ancient times. And it went through many stages of development until it reaches its current position. Each nation and culture has developed its own language for communication and interaction. It has become necessary for the individuals to learn more than one language and to communicate with other people. In this connection, foreign and second language learning is getting more and more widespread and prestigious around the world. The reasons for this may be because of occupational, historical, migration- related, economic, political, social, cultural or some other factors. Because of these factors, besides, the number of bilinguals is increasing respectively in today’s world. Bilingualism is a term which describes two or more than one languages, and it controls two languages or using two languages in the life of a person.  Bilingualism describes two languages, and it has been a salient issue nowadays. It controls two languages or using two languages in the life of a person. It can also be defined as the presence of individuals in an environment where two different languages are spoken and it is the ability to communicate proficiently in both of these two languages. In the study as a model literature review was used. All the same, bilingualism concept, types of bilingualism and negative & positive aspects of bilingualism were also expounded in detail.


